A great music educator once said, “Rhythm is caught, not taught.” Duet playing provides valuable experience developing a sense of rhythm. These duets are designed for two students at the...
This precious primer piece is perfect for the young child. Playful and clever lyric is set to a white key melody with a simple black key interlude. The student explores...
for Strings
A collection of popular movie songs which can be played by the entire string group or by individual soloists with optional CD accompaniment. Each song is correlated with a specific...
A collection of popular Broadway songs which can be played by the entire string group or by individual soloists with optional CD accompaniment. Each song is correlated with a specific...
There Mallet Ensemble Series.
$15.00 $35.00
Brass Quintet by Guilliame Dufay and Transcribed by Verne Reynolds.
A Fantasy on Nicaea. Solo with piano accompaniment.
From Hymn of the Highlands. Solo with piano accompaniment.
Includes parts for both treble clef and bass clef.
Solo with piano accompaniment. Transcribed by G. E. Holmes.
Solo with piano accompaniment. Arranged by L. W. Chidester.
Trombone Trio by Burnet Tuthill.
Trumpet Quartet by Mozart-Bimboni and Arranged by Clair W. Johnson.
Trumpet Quartet by Leroy Ostransky.
Trumpet Trio by Robert Muczynski.
Full set of parts for Trumpet Trio.
French Horn Quartet by Louis Michiels.
This beautiful collection of grade 3 music for horn quartet appears on most state contest lists and includes pieces of varying lengths and styles to suit any performance opportunity. The...
By Leroy Ostransky. On the Indiana Solo & Ensemble List. Three short, contrasting movements at the medium-easy to medium levels. Fresh writing makes this a good contest selection for developing groups.
For 2 snare drums, 2 bass drums, cymbals and marching machine.
Eight original solos with piano accompaniment by the master of xylophone ragtime music. Includes information on style, performance practices, and a discography of Green's music.
on the Indiana solo & ensemble list
Three contrasting and challenging movements that contain many contemporary compositional devices. This work, which requires advanced technical and musical proficiency, is ideal for university recital or jury exams.
A standard in the percussion repertoire, every timpanist should have the chance to perform this one! This advanced solo in three movements combines various styles and techniques for an exciting...
Includes Recitative and Improvisation.
Easy to difficult arrangements of snare drum solos that have long been standard items on contest lists. Excellent practice material.
17 Snare Drum Solos. 1 Snare Drum Duet. Seventeen solos and one duet for the advanced snare drummer. Includes: Eastman Etude • Exploring the Unknown • Innovation in 2/4 •...
Percussion Music/Snare Drum Unaccompanied by William J Schinstine.
Solo with piano accompaniment.
Solo with piano accompaniment.
Solo with piano accompaniment.
Solo with piano accompaniment. Arranged by Robert L. Marsteller. Southern Music Company Edition in stock ST-94
Solo with piano accompaniment.
Solo with piano accompaniment. Edited by Max Wolff.
Solo with piano accompaniment. Revised by Carl Reinecke, edited by Lorenzo Sansone.