Band & Orchestra Care Recommendations

H & H Music has the only full service repair department for band and orchestral instruments in the tristate area.  Our technicians are factory trained and authorized to complete simple and complex repairs.  Our professional repair technicians maintain instruments for beginners to professionals.

Here are a few general care tips:

  • Handle with care - your instrument is fragile
  • Temperature - keep your instrument at a comfortable temperature
  • Storage - always keep your instrument in the case when not in use
  • Everything in its place - make sure your case is clean and loose objects are not inside where they can scratch or damage
  • Latches are important - the security of your instrument starts with latching your case when you close the lid
  • Keep it clean - do not eat or drink before playing your instrument - food, sugar and other things blown into the instrument can be difficult to remove

To maintain your instrument in top playing condition we recommend having it inspected by our techinicans annually.  We will provide a detailed list of recommended maintanence to allow your musician to continue the learning process.

Our technicians have prepared a brochure to help educate you and your child.  Please ask for a copy when you visit our service department.

Monday - Friday
8:30 - 5:00
8:30 - 12:00