Guild Repertoire, Elementary A and B - Podolsky
Guild Repertoire is divided into three levels, Elementary, Intermediate, and Preparatory (Advanced). Each level is divided into four categories: Classics (includes Baroque), Sonatina (Sonata), Romantic, Modern. For this earliest level of Guild Repertoire the editor selected pieces by many well-known writers of children's music and were also able to include some heretofore unknown Soviet and other foreign writers who have provided outstanding material for the young student. Includes: Are You Sleeping * Away With Melancholy * Bagpipe Tune * The Bells of London * Bobolink * Botany Bay * By Moonlight * Chastushka * Children's Dance * Chinese Song * Chocolate Soldier * Cobbler, Cobbler * Early One Morning * Evening Bells * Feather in My Cap * First Sorrow * From a Baghdad Market * Happy Woodpecker * Johnny Has a Girl Friend * The Little Woodchuck * A Little Tune * Lullaby * Race Horses * Rigaudon * Roses for You * Round and Round * Round Dance * Russian Folk Song * Russian Song * The Scissors Grinder * The Shepherd Plays * Sitting Beside a River * A Song (Gnessina) * A Song (Heif) * Swedish Folk Dance * Tally-Ho * Trumpet Piece * The Very First Day of School * Walking on Stilts * When Three Hens Go to the Fields * Winter is Here