Jazz Piano Play Along (You Plus A Jazz Ensemble) - Piano - Lienhard/Shanaphy
Arranged and performed by Noreen Grey Lienhard and produced and edited by Edward Shanaphy. Includes two play-along CDs.
From the Preface by Ed Shanaphy: "This collection of recorded and transcribed jazz piano arrangements is more than just a play-along enterprise. It allows a student to observe in detail how an accomplished jazz pianist plays with a group, creates solos and accompaniments and constructs jazz harmonic treatments through chord substitutions and special voicings. Becoming a jazz musician doesn't just happen. The process develops by listening to, and analyzing, what established musicians are playing.
In addition to the transcribed solos, this volume contains a typical lead sheet styled section for all ten tunes, often with [Lienhard]'s suggested chord voicings, useful for playing along with CD No. 2 (On which the piano track has been eliminated). It is our hope that students of any age and level will find this a most educational and enjoyable collection to play, listen to and study, paving the way to ever more rewarding jazz piano experiences."
Permanently Out of Print. Final Copy.