Each book contains nine fun and diverse solos that engage students with descriptive music and intriguing titles. Pieces such as "The Running of the Bulls" and "Aurora Borealis" lead kids...
Have video game lovers in your studio? Of course you do! Let’s Quest is a collection of video game inspired showcase solos, composed by Chrissy Ricker, that will delight late...
The prelude is a genre that spans all style periods of piano music. From Bach, to Chopin, to Gershwin, preludes have been written by a multitude of composers and in...
National Federation of Music Clubs 2020-2024 Elementary Class III Duets Keep Rockin'
Each book contains nine fun and diverse solos that engage students with descriptive music and intriguing titles. Pieces such as "The Running of the Bulls" and "Aurora Borealis" lead kids...