Subtitled "Before Blazhevich," this book uses a mixture of exercises and short etudes to help teach tenor and alto clef quickly and effectively. Using a system of "guidepost notes," students...
Arr. Brad Edwards Patterns and Snippets, A Musical Approach to Scales and Arpeggios for Tenor Trombone, is divided into three sections, with the goal being to help musicians develop techinique...
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Arr. Brad Edwards Patterns and Snippets, A Musical Approach to Scales and Arpeggios for Bass Trombone, is divided into three sections, with the goal being to help musicians develop techinique...
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Based on the Second Hungarian Rhapsodie by Liszt.
The aim of the Edwards-Hovey Method for cornet or trumpet is to develop a method in which the material is arranged logically from the standpoint of (a) Rhythmic development, (b) gradual extension...
Marimba solo with piano accompaniment.