Basic Skills for the Developing Trumpeter - Swisher


Dr. Eric Swisher has many publications to his credit: a trumpet method, Basic Skills for Developing Trumpeters, several arrangements for trumpet ensemble and brass ensemble, and many articles in the Bluegrass Music News,Tempo!, the National Association of Wind and Percussion Instructors Journal and the International Trumpet Guild Journal. 

"Eric Swisher's new method book is an important addition to trumpet 'methodology.'  Its focus on the fundamental and practical development of beginning trumpet players is immensely helpful, but it also contains a wealth of comprehensive studies and exercises that will benefit any player.  I especially appreciate the attention to studies in areas not often addressed in most other method books, such as lip bends and low register articulation.  The section regarding multiple tounging is one of the best I've seen.  The sequential progression of exercises in all of the sections is excellent in terms of pedagogical approach.  Very well done!" - John Schlabach - Professor of Trumpet - Ohio University