Rath Trombone Mouthpieces
Small Shank
S11 M.N. Cup: 25mm Throat: 5.9mm
Designed with Mark Nightingale.
“Comfort, responsiveness and consistency in all registers – Since getting this mouthpiece I’ve never looked back because it enables me to make the sound I hear in my head flow out of my R10 effortlessly.” MARK NIGHTINGALE
Tenor Trombone
L4.5 Cup: 25.8 mm Throat: 7.1 mm
L5 Cup: 25.5 mm Throat 7.0 mm
L5 B.B Cup: 25.5 mm Throat: 7.0 mm
Designed with Brett Baker. Shallower cup than the L5 and also a slightly flatter rim. Ideal mouthpiece if you’re a principal player or soloist.
Bass Trombone
B1 1/2 W Cup: 27.4 mm Throat: 7.2mm Wide rim
B1 1/4 W Cup: 28.1 mm Throat: 7.3mm Wide rim