Santa's Little Helper Christmas Songbook - Santorella
Remember fighting off the Sandman, desperately struggling to stay awake at the chance that you might catch a glimpse of Saint Nick. Every rustle or bump made you jolt from your quilted pod and race to the living room where the lit tree posed, draped in soft light. Still no Santa!
It took all your energy to climb back into bed with your eyelids drawn and your body heavy. Tucked back in as best as you could with the sheets and pillows slightly disheveled, you dozed off while musical thoughts fill your groggy head. A wide, animated grin filled your face as you dreamt of chilly nights of caroling and warm, fire-lit sing-a-longs.
Music has always been an integral part of the holiday season. As everyone knows, there is no better way to celebrate than with a song. Re-live your childhood memories and share your love of music this holiday season with Santa’s Little Helperpublished by Santorella Publications.
Santa’s Little Helper for Alto Sax iswritten as solos or duets in accommodating keys for Trumpet, Clarinet, Flute or Trombone. This complete collection of Christmas songs from Santorella Publications includes an accompaniment CD & lyrics for the whole family to enjoy.