Treasures In Technique - Piano - Rossi/Warren


By Wynn-Anne Rossi and Lucy W. Warren.

Primer Level - By popular demand, Treasures in Technique now has a Primer-level "prequel" to introduce the series. Students learn technique while collecting "treasure"? on a delightfully imaginative trip to the seaside. Techniques emphasized are: correct posture and hand/arm position, legato, right-hand/left-hand coordination, dynamics, playing skips, and parallel and contrasting motion

Book One - Includes: interval distances (up to the 5th), staccato, slurs, accents, dynamic changes, rests, changing tempos.

Book Two - Includes: legato and staccato, legato pedaling, eighth notes, dynamic balance, and more.

Book Three - A motivating and effective approach to teaching pianistic skills. A unique reward system of collecting "treasure stickers" provides excitement for the student. Book 3 includes: wrist rotation, strengthening the 5th finger, parallel 3rds and 4ths, coordinating isometric playing, note clusters, even trill playing, and more.

Book Four - The fourth book in the series, this volume covers: wrist staccato and rotation, sixteenth notes, diatonic and chromatic scale fingerings, cross-hand blocked and broken triads, chord inversions, 2-octave arpeggios, repeated notes, and more.