Tunes for Two - Book 1 - Wesley Schaum
A great music educator once said, “Rhythm is caught, not taught.” Duet playing provides valuable experience developing a sense of rhythm. These duets are designed for two students at the same level – primo and secondo parts are of equal difficulty. Both parts are fun to learn because both players are given interesting acompaniments as well as melodies. It is suggested that a student alternate parts, learning the primo part for one piece, the secondo part for the next, etc. This gives valuable sight-reading experience with both hands in treble clef and with both hands in bass clef. Duet playing provides an excellent opportunity for ear training, too. Emphasis should be placed on listening carefully to both parts so that the melody can be heard clearly and the accompaniment subdued. Book One includes 16 duets: Brother John (Frere Jacques) • Caissons Go Rolling Along • I've Been Working on the Railroad • This Old Man • On Top of Old Smokey • Yellow Rose of Texas • and more.
Primary Class III Duets
- Skip to My Lou
- This Old Man
- Yellow Rose of Texas