Ultimate Music Theory Level 1 Supplemental Workbook - St. Germaine
The Ultimate Music Theory LEVEL 1 Supplemental Workbook is designed to be completed after the Step-by-Step Ultimate Music Theory Prep 1 Rudiments and Prep Level Supplemental Workbook.
The LEVEL 1 Supplemental Workbook features these concepts and more!
- PITCH - Up to two ledger line above and below the Treble & Bass Staff
- SCALES - C, G, F Major and a minor natural form
- TRIADS - Tonic - Solid/Blocked and Broken C, G, F Major and a minor
- INTERVALS - Half Steps (Same & Different letter names) & Whole Steps
- MELODY WRITING - Repeated Motive (Rhythmic & Melodic) and Patterns
- ANALYSIS - Musical Terms, Sight Reading and Game
- MUSIC HISTORY - Orchestral Instruments & Story Telling Through Sound
- THEORY EXAM - Level 1